Best Egg Review
If you have credit card debt with a high interest rate, refinancing with Best Egg could save you a lot of money on interest over the life your debt. If you can lower your interest rate and set a fixed payback period compared to the open ended time frame on a revolving credit account, you could easily save thousands of dollars.Quick Facts
Minimum Credit Score
640Maximum Loan Amount
$35,000Loan Duration
60 monthsAPR
5.99% - 29.99%Origination Fee
1.0% - 5.0%Days to Close
30 daysExpert Walkthrough
Coming Soon!
Best Egg Reviews
The application process was simple and fast, I had my loan approved and money in the bank within 24 hours. I have not had any website issues that the others mentioned. The interest can be high and they have a fee based on your loan amount, which is not so great. However, if you are having trouble getting funded from a bank this is helpful, I went from paying 33% on a title loan to paying 12.99% with Best Egg. Also, those complaining that their rate was not 5.99%, the pre-approval does not say that will be the APR, it says as low as, if your credit is poor/fair it is likely going to be higher than that. Also, never rely on a rate outside of the lender, it is often incorrect.
The approval process was easy, quick, and funds were released without undue delay. The negative, the fees, and a higher interest rate. If you have good credit, compare with other lenders. Shortly after this loan I obtained another from another company wih no fees and a much lower interest rate (Under 10%)
I contacted Best Egg as I too was curious about their rates and what they can offer based on the email fliers I received. I'd like to say while I did get approved, the loan payments were more than what the debt consolidation needed requires. They wanted over $1200/month for payments of a $35,000 loan. I received better offers with more funding from other institutions and declined their offer.
I received a pre-approval letter, applied and provided information requested. Was approved and had funds within a few days at a good interest rate.