50 Career Experts Reveal Their Best Salary Negotiation and Resume Writing Tips

    Advancing your career and increasing your salary can be an important part of building your financial independence. We talked to 50 career experts to get their best salary negotiation and resume writing tips to help you earn more.

    Who do you turn to when you need resume writing tips because you badly want the job? Who do you ask when you want to do well in the interview and negotiate a paycheck worthy of your skills?

    Who gives you reliable advice on your career that you can apply right away?

    In short, who do you trust with your career?

    If no one comes to mind, you’re missing out.

    If you trust one or two people, I know a fresh perspective won’t hurt.

    Career Experts You can Trust

    I searched the web to find the best career experts for you. Every one of them has helped hundreds of people get better jobs, increase their income, and rise up the career ladder.

    Whether you need help on your resume, job interview, salary negotiation, networking, office politics, and personal branding, I’m sure you’ll find amazing content on their websites and books. I know because I’ve read many of them.

    And to save you even more time, I’ve asked these experts to share some resume and salary negotiation tips.

    You’ll have plenty of strategies to try after you’re done reading this article.

    In alphabetical order, here are Investmentzen’s Top 50 Career Experts and their advice for you:

    InvestmentZen Featured Career Expert

    Best Salary Negotiation Tips

    1. Adam Hatch of ResumeGenius.com

    Adam is the HR manager and career adviser at Resume Genius, where he provides actionable resume and career management strategies.

    Tired of traditional resumes and infographic resumes? You can stand out by sending a video resume. This article has several examples to inspire you.

    Adam’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Never tell your manager you deserve a raise.

    Part of their job is to assess your work and progress. That includes determining where you fit in the grand scheme of the company.

    You might be right about deserving a pay raise. But approaching your boss haughtily is like telling him that he’s not doing a good job of monitoring your progress. Let your actions speak for itself, not your personal judgement of whether you deserve one or not.”

    2. Angela Copeland of CopelandCoaching.com

    Angela is a Career Coach and the author of ‘Breaking the Rules & Getting the Job’.

    Her article on people not realizing they’re making themselves prone to ageism is accurate and funny. If you’re in your 20s or early 30s and can’t relate to this, don’t worry, she has plenty of helpful tips for you, too.

    Angela’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Don’t reveal your current salary. Use sites like Glassdoor.com or Salary.com to research how much companies are paying for your target job. Always get everything in writing!”

    3. Biron Clark of CareerSidekick.com

    Biron was an Executive Recruiter for top pharmaceutical companies and tech startups before he founded Career Sidekick.

    Career Sidekick has everything from resume and job interview guides, to “Why Can’t I Find a Job?” and How to Make a Job or Career Change at 50+”.

    He’s also approachable. He responds to readers’ comments and emails, so that’s always a plus for anyone who needs help with their career.

    Biron’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Negotiate your salary in a separate meeting. Don’t bring it up at the end of a different discussion. Email your boss and ask if they have a few minutes to talk, and get something scheduled.

    Leave your personal needs out of this negotiation.”

    4. Cheryl Palmer of CalltoCareer.com

    I’ve talked to Cheryl about resumes and negotiation a few times and her advice is always on point. What she says below about starting salaries is also true, but many applicants forget this.

    Remember, a 10% increase on a $32,000 salary is worlds apart from that of a $52,000 salary. You’ll feel it even on your monthly income.

    Cheryl’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Don’t rely on raises. Too many people accept a job thinking they just have to get their foot in the door. Their salary will increase later after their employer sees their worth.  Wrong!

    The reality is pay raises are also affected by your starting salary. Research going rates in your job and geographic area before you negotiate the salary.”

    5. Debra Wheatman of CareersDoneWrite.com

    Debra helps job seekers take their career to the next level. Whether you want an increase, promotion, or a new job, Debra can help you. She’s a recognized expert with 18 years of experience in HR and advance job search techniques.

    You’ll love her specific and sometimes unusual but effective tips about finding a job. For instance, check out her tips on getting a job through ‘back door’ strategies.  She also answers career questions readers send through her “Ask Deb” series.

    Debra’s advice on negotiating a salary:

    “Ask for an increase at least six months in advance of your annual review.


    Because salary raises are already determined by the time your annual review comes up. You’ll have a better chance of getting a raise if you begin the conversation early. Start planning, talk to your boss about what you need to do to make it happen.”

    6. Don Maruska of DonMaruska.com

    Don is a Silicon Valley entrepreneur who branched out and became a coach and author. He created his blog to share his experience and knowledge with entrepreneurs and job seekers.

    It’s not about resumes or negotiation but I love Don’s article, ‘Hitting Your Sales Target with Low Ammunition.’ What he says about low hanging fruit and focusing on centers of influence are applicable to all jobs.

    Don’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Avoid ego clashes. Don’t be judgmental. Most requests for an increase get rejected because employees let their ego in the way. They fight over who’s right and who is wrong, why they deserve an increase, why they may not.

    Avoid this by making your own observations with “I” statements. Remove extra commentary or judgment from everything you say.”

    7. Ford Myers of CareerPotential.com

    Ford worked for several career management firms before he founded Career Potential and started coaching others to take charge of their career.

    His salary negotiation tips are concise but on point. Silence is my weak point because I’m such a chatterbox. But I’ve found it effective the few times I’ve managed to keep quiet and wait for a client to make a move.

    Ford’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    • “Discuss your salary only with the ultimate decision-maker

    • If applying to a new job, get the employer to state a salary figure or range first.

    • Finalize the salary first before negotiating other benefits

    • Silence is one of you most powerful negotiating tools.”

    8. Heather Petherick of HeatherPetherick.com

    Heather uses humor and confidence to help professionals get better at their careers.

    As a work at home freelance writer, I sometimes feel guilty about wanting more from my career. Heather suggests viewing these wants as a clue to my potential, instead of feeling ungrateful. That perspective made me think differently about my situation and career goals.

    Heather’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Get clear on the range of salary raise you’re looking for. Use your research and personal needs to identify a pay range that you can mention to your manager.

    This range should include a minimum raise that you will be comfortable with for the next two years of the job. At the higher end of the range should be your ideal raise.

    Keep in mind that most salary increase ranges from 2% to 10% of your total salary. This depends on your track record with the company and how long it’s been since your last raise.”

    9. Hertzel Betito of Freesumes.com

    Hertzel is a graphic and web designer with a flair for creating creative resumes. Check out his website for free and gorgeous resume templates, as well as job interview tips.

    Hertzel’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Write a detailed letter addressed to your boss. Use this letter to ask for a meeting and let him know of your desire to increase your salary or get promoted.

    Include at least three accomplishments you achieved during your work with him, or with a previous employer.

    Don’t forget to spell out how you achieved them. Paint yourself as someone who uses their initiative in solving problems, and explain how you can be an asset to the company.”

    10. Jeff Altman of JobSearchCoachingHQ.com

    Jeff aka The Big Game Hunter is a career coach with 90,000 hours of experience working on both sides of the table, as a job coach and executive recruiter.

    Do you work with one recruiter, or contact as many recruiters as you can when you’re looking for a job? Jeff’s take on this subject makes sense though, read it and try it for yourself.

    Jeff’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “The biggest thing people forget in negotiating their salary is Plan B. What happens if your boss says no?

    It’s always better to walk into a negotiation with another plan, whether that’s a new job or business. This lessens the impact of a possible rejection.”

    11. Jessica Sweet of WishingWellCoach.com

    Jessica is a career coach and psychotherapist who helps mid-life career changers look for meaningful careers.

    If you think positive affirmations aren’t enough to get you what you want, or it’s too touchy-feely for you, read this.

    Jessica’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “The truth is your boss is only interested in paying you for what you can do next. She’s not going to reward you for work you’ve already done—and she’s already paid you for.

    So don’t just talk about what you’ve already achieved. Talk more about what you plan to achieve for the company in the future, and how you plan to do it.

    Your track record gives you credibility. So your boss will believe your plans are possible based on what you’ve already done. Now it’s up to you to tie your skills and experience to the company’s future needs and initiatives.”

    12. Julie Erickson of MyRightFitJob.com

    Julie spent more than a decade working in non-profits. Now she’s a career coach focused on helping people find their ‘right fit’ job.

    Julie’s article on exploring career options is worth a read if you’re a fresh graduate in the midst of selecting a career path.

    Julie’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Identify your desired salary range, not just a single number. A range should use data you’ve gathered and be a reasonable salary level.

    Ranges tell employers three things about you that a single number won’t:

    • You’re flexible

    • You’re ambitious

    • They need to offer you more than the bottom range.”

    13. Kane Carpenter of EmploymentBoost.com

    I’ve worked with Kane on several resume and career related articles. He never fails to give me a fresh perspective on whatever I’m writing. He’s an all-around guy when it comes to careers.

    Kane’s advice on negotiating your salary when transitioning to a different job or industry:

    “You’re transitioning to a new career, so don’t be greedy. Do not request more than the standard 3% to 5% increase to move positions. Job transitions from industry to industry require that you prove yourself first so approach the negotiation without an ego. If you’re relocating or taking on more responsibilities, that’s when a 5% to 10% increase makes sense.”

    14. Karen Adamedes at CareerTipstoGo.com

    Karen is a Career Specialist and Business Transformation Consultant with a background in sales, marketing, and operations.

    As an introvert, I love her blog posts on ‘Tricky Stuff with People’ where she shares tips about dealing with almost every situation you might encounter at work.

    Karen’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Warm up your boss for the conversation before bringing up the topic to them. Discuss your desire of increasing your salary months ahead. Ask what it would take for you to be eligible for an increase.

    Once you’ve delivered these milestones, it will be a lot easier to ask for a raise.”

    15. Kathy Caprino of KathyCaprino.com

    Kathy is an international Career Success Coach and leadership developer dedicated to advancing women’s careers around the world.

    I love her TedX talk “Time to Brave Up,” especially what she said about getting laid off. For most people, getting laid off is a big kick to the curb—even if they hated their job.

    But she says there’s a silver lining, “It’s the first moment you can choose who do you want to be in the world.”

    Kathy’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Dimensionalize the ‘20 Facts of You,’ the amazing achievements you’ve contributed, and how those accomplishments have ‘moved the needle’ and made a positive impact in your organization.

    Illustrate your achievements with metrics and verifiable data that demonstrate the impact of your work.”

    16. Laurie Berenson of SterlingCareerConcepts.com

    Laurie used to work as an executive recruiter in New York before she built Sterling Career Concepts and became a resume writer. Now she works with executives and senior professionals to help them find a meaningful job that they will love.

    Her blog isn’t exclusive to Gen-X and Gen-Y readers though. She also writes for millennials and fresh graduates looking for jobs before graduation.

    Laurie’s advice on negotiating a salary:

    “Timing is important. Approach your manager to discuss a raise at least four to six weeks before your annual review.

    If your annual review is already done, try asking for a raise after you’ve completed a major accomplishment, taken on more tasks, or gained recognition for your work.”

    17. Lisa Quast of CareerWomanInc.com

    Lisa held executive positions in her 20 year career in the corporate world. Her interests and skills are diverse. She’s not just an executive and career coach; she’s also an accomplished pageant coach.

    Her unique combination of skills and experience shows in her website’s diverse blog posts. Want to learn how to face criticism? Read this. Worried about transitioning from regular employee to your friend’s boss? Read this.

    Lisa’s advice on negotiating a salary:

    “Find out how your employer calculates pay raises. Research what it’s based on, when it’s given, and who approves it.

    Arm yourself with data to determine where your pay fits within your employer’s pay bands or ranges. Then find out how your manager views your work. Are you seen as an average employee, or high performer?

    You should do all this before you create a strategy and schedule a meeting with your boss”

    18. Lisa Rangel of ChameleonResumes.com

    Lisa Rangel is a Certified Professional Resume Writer and Professional in Human Resources, among her many qualifications and certifications. Before that she worked in various roles in management and recruitment for 13+ years.

    You’ll find lots of helpful interview tips on her blog, such what to say when you’re asked why you left your last job.

    Lisa’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Believe you’re worth the big bucks. This may seem petty but it’s one of the biggest issues of people face when negotiating.

    Don’t let yourself get bogged down by the stories of the economy, what the interview might think of you, what other candidates have said, or where the company stands financially.

    You don’t know how much money the company makes, or what the interviewer is really thinking. You also don’t need to worry about what other candidates have said. The only thing you should think about is why you’re the right fit for the job, and why that merits your asking salary.”

    19. Mark Anthony Dyson of TheVoiceofJobSeekers.com

    The Voice of Job Seekers isn’t your ordinary career blog. It also tackles the unique needs and challenges different cultures and ethnicities face when finding a job. Mark has done a remarkable job giving a voice to everyone—the unemployed, underemployed, under-appreciated, and under-served segments of the workforce.

    His articles on diversity and changing your career narrative will open your mind about today’s workforce.

    Mark’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Salary negotiation includes everything the company offers, not just the paycheck. Consider the benefits, insurance, perks, and even vacation time into the final contract. Be decisive and confident in what you want.”

    20. Mike McRitchie of MikeMcRitchie.com

    Mike’s article headlines might not sound like career advice. But he does a good job of combining his personal experience and knowledge of telecom companies to create career advice that’s both helpful and relatable.  His article on Playing the Wrong Job Search Game is a great example of this.

    Mike’s advice on negotiating a salary:

    “He who cares least wins. If you’re desperate, you’re done. Too often people are so frantic to get a job that they don’t even bother to negotiate.

    Start sending applications while you still have a job instead. Then create a pipeline of several job opportunities, instead of negotiating one job offer at a time. That gives you leverage.”

    21. Nissar Ahamed of CareerMetis.com

    Metis’ is a word derived from Greek Mythology and it means wisdom, skill, or craft. Inspired by this phrase, Nissar started Career Metis as a way to share the knowledge he gained from the different mentors, teachers, and counselors he had over the years. If you want that same experience, try listening to his podcast, where he interviews experts in different career industries.

    Nissar says the negotiation script below has worked for him and many of the friends he has shared it with.

    Nissar’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Never accept an offer right away. Ask the employer to give you a few hours to think about it. Tell them it’s an important decision, and you want to be clear-headed.

    Wait a few hours then call them back to say,

    ‘Thank you for giving me some time to think about your offer. I’m thrilled about working with you.

    Even though I am satisfied with your offer of X, I would be very excited to join you if can offer me a salary of Y. And if that’s possible, you have my commitment that I’m ready to sign the employment contract’.”

    22. Roy Cohen of CareerCoachNY.com

    Ray is a New York based career coach and author of The Wall Street Professional’s Survival Guide, a book he wrote after spending 10 years providing outplacement for laid of employees of Goldman Sachs.

    Roy’s advice on negotiating a salary:

    “Know what you’re willing to compromise. Salary negotiation is a give and take. If it feels one-sided, you may end up getting what you want, but generate some ill will in the process.

    It’s never a good idea to start a new job with underlying tension, or worse, an unrealistic expectation of your performance because you’re receiving a higher salary.”

    23. Stan Kimer of TotalEngagementConsulting.com

    Stan is an employee and business development expert specializing in LGBT and diversity management.

    Stan’s insights about LGBT hiring, racial or religious stereotyping give readers an inside view of what companies think about diversity, and how they’re trying to diversify their workplace. He also writes about millennials and how this generation is changing the workplace.

    Stan’s advice on negotiating your salary:

    “Lead with your knowledge of the company and the industry. Follow-up with the results you’ve achieved using quantifiable data from your performance. Promise to continue contributing at this level—or higher—in the future.

    Differentiate yourself from other employees to prove that you can deliver results other people can’t.”

    24. Stephanie Troiano of TheHireTalent.com

    Stephanie is an Executive Recruiter for The Hire Talent (Pre-Employment Assessments). Although their website is now full of recruitment advice, reading it is still a good way to see how recruiters think. For instance, if you’ve been job hopping, check out this article to find out what recruiters might think of your job history.

    Stephanie’s advice on writing a resume:

    “Put the dates. Listing 2011 to 2012 is vague because it could mean January 2011 to December 2012, which is approximately two years, or December 2011 to January 2012, which is just a month. If you don’t want to draw attention to the fact that you had a short-term job, just explain the reason for the job’s length in a bullet point—or remove it from your resume completely.”

    25. Valerie Streif of TheMentat.com

    Valerie is the Senior Career Adviser at The Mentat. She helps job seekers improves their resume and cover letter to gain a competitive edge in the job market.

    Looking for somewhere to intern this year? Don’t start applying to internship roles without reading this.

    Valerie’s advice on negotiating a salary:

    “Master your emotions. How you react to what happens during a negotiation reveals a lot about you.

    Prepare yourself for a negative response, or a downright refusal. Have a couple of polite rebuttals handy so you don’t appear arrogant or close-minded when you don’t get your way.”

    Best Resume Tips

    26. Adrian Tan of CareerLadders.sg

    CareerLadder is a Singapore-based blog, so some of their articles are geared towards people working in Singapore.

    That doesn’t mean you won’t find anything relevant on their site. After all, the dream of finding a job you’ll love is something we can all relate to, regardless of nationality. And that’s what CareerLadders is all about, helping candidates identify and transition to their dream job.

    Adrian’s piece on applying for a job you’re underqualified for offers a glimpse of what their site is all about.

    Adrian’s resume writing tip:

    “Include an overview of the companies you were in, such as the team’s size, and the industry you’re in.

    The CEO of a one-man startup and Bank of America might have the same job title, but what they do is different. The same logic applies to your job titles. That’s why you should include context in your job history; some recruiters might not have time to research it.”

    27. Allison Cheston of AllisonCheston.com

    Allison works with both executives and fresh graduates to connect their interests and strengths into job opportunities.

    People, especially fresh graduates with no corporate experience, often think they have to ‘pay their dues’ before they can even start pursuing their dream job. Turns out, that’s not always the case. You could be a fresh graduate and still get your dream job in six months, just like Allison’s client did.

    Allison’s resume writing tip:

    “Don’t use an objective statement. Objective statements show what you’re looking for, and that’s the wrong approach. You need to show what you can do for an organization, not what you’re hoping to learn from the experience.

    If you have unusual or interesting avocations or side gigs, list them. A client of mine worked as an extra on a TV crime series for years. She was called in for an interview after the recruiter saw it on her resume. She got the job.”

    28. Amanda Augustine of TopResume.com

    I found Amanda through her namesake website, Job Search Amanda. But you can also find her work on the TopResume’s website, where they’re offering a free resume evaluation for Investmentzen readers.

    Amanda’s resume writing tip:

    “Resumes can get really personal because it’s a reflection of your work, education, and accolades. But it’s important to remember that you’re creating this document for the hiring manager, not yourself.

    While you may be proud of completing your yoga instructor certification, if the experience isn’t relevant, it doesn’t belong on your resume. Use your resume to emphasize your qualifications for a specific career path, instead of taking a jack-of-all-trades approach.

    Most importantly, ask for help. As the job seeker, no one expects you to know all the rules in writing a resume that will get past the gatekeepers—electronic or otherwise.”

    29. Brittany King of TheCareerCollective.net

    Brittany King founded The Career Collective to help job seekers discover work that’s fulfilling for them. Before that, she worked as a Senior Recruiter and HR Manager for many companies in the US and Canada.

    Check out her short post on creative job titles, and why they’re not a good idea. I love creative titles myself, but I’d never put them on my resume. Now I have another reason why.

    Brittany’s resume writing tip:

    “Remove ‘References Available Upon Request’. Recruiters and hiring managers already know that you can provide them with references if they ask. Removing this common phrase saves you space. It also eliminates the possibility of a potential employer reaching out to a reference before offering you a position.

    Employers sometimes do this as a tactic to filter out candidates who don’t receive glowing recommendations.”

    30. Chris Muktar of WikiJob.co.Uk

    Chris co-founded WikiJob after he got disappointed with the job search process. WikiJob is now a huge resource of information for job interviews, job tests, and everything you might experience in the application process of different industries.

    Chris’ resume writing tip:

    “Add a link to your LinkedIn profile. Nowadays, your LinkedIn account is considered an extension of your resume. And unlike your resume, space won’t be an issue. Your testimonials, endorsements, publications—these won’t fit in your resume. But you can ‘include’ them in your application using your LinkedIn URL.”

    31. Dawn Boyer PhD of DBoyerConsulting.com

    Dawn had more than 24 years’ experience in human resources before she started helping others with their careers. If you’re lacking inspiration for your resume, check out the examples on her website.

    Dawn’s resume writing tip:

    “Stop using quarter inch margins to fit the entire resume into one or two pages. If it has to go over three pages, it’s okay.”

    32. Emmelie De La Cruz of EmmelieDeLaCruz.com

    Emmelie is a personal branding strategist specializing in helping millennials stand out in their industry. Her how-to guides and tools on personal branding will help you create an online image that attracts employers.

    Emmelie’s resume writing tip:

    “Change your layout. Don’t rely on bland MS Word templates. Many of them aren’t appealing or functional. By changing your resume’s layout, you can fit more information and make your resume stand out from the pile.”

    33. Harry Urschel of TheWiseJobSearch.com

    Harry is a Talent Acquisition Leader, Executive Recruiter and Job Search Coach.

    Got laid off? Read his article to find out how you can explain a bad experience in an interview.

    Harry’s resume writing tip:

    “Focus on the goal. Your resume can’t get you a job. At best, it can prove that you did your job well and get you a phone call for an interview.

    Focusing on that goal will distill your resume so it conveys the skills and achievements related to the job you’re targeting.”

    34. Jessica Holbrook Hernandez of GreatResumesFast.com

    Jessica created Great Resumes Fast after 12 years in HR and recruitment industry. Now she helps job seekers craft effective resumes and personal brands to get the job they want.

    Everyone says networking is important, but how do you even start? I’m a terrible networker myself, that’s why I love this infographic on Networking Power Letters.  Check it out to see how you can start reaching out to your network in a pain-free way—emails.

    Jessica’s resume writing tip:

    “Address culture fit on your resume. Culture fit is the second most important factor in an employer’s decision. Make sure your resume reflects why you’d be a great fit for their team.

    If you’re transitioning from a different industry, make sure it’s clear why you want to transition. Recruiters are more likely to engage if they understand why you want to change careers.”

    35. Dr. Heather Rothbauer-Wanish of Feather Communications.com

    Heather is a professional resume writer with a background in business and organization management. Her website is full of strategies on writing well-written resumes and cover letters.

    Heather’s resume writing tip:

    “Use numbers, percentages and dollar amounts. The brain notices numbers first, so use it to grab the recruiter’s attention.

    ‘Increased sales’ is less impressive than mentioning you ‘increased profitability by 38%, boosting income by $50k within 90 days’ on a resume.”

    36. Katrina Brittingham of VentureReady.net

    Katrina led a diverse career in the health insurance industry before starting her second career as a career coach. If you’re in the market for a job in health insurance, her experience in these fields can help you.

    Katrina’s resume writing tip:

    “Decrease the bullets on your job history and only use them for accomplishments. If everything is bulleted, they lose their impact.

    Keep bullets to four to six per position. Use six for your most recent job, and no more than four for all other positions.”

    37. Lauren McAdams of ResumeCompanion.com

    Lauren is the Hiring Manager and Lead Career Advisor at Resume Companion. She’s passionate in guiding people through the job search process.

    Dreading an upcoming interview? Read this article about funny interview stories to calm your nerves, and maybe learn and thing or two about what not to do in an interview.

    Lauren’s resume writing tip:

    “Remember to write in the correct tense. This might seem nitpicky, but more than half of the resumes we see have incorrect verb conjugation.

    Some job seekers write in the present tense for jobs held years ago, or past tense for current jobs. Some applicants also switch between tenses while writing about the same job.”

    38. Linda Allen of MsCareerGirl.com

    Ms. Career Girl started out as a blog to help women ‘find passion in their profession,’ but it has since grown into a career and lifestyle blog for ambitious women in all walks of life.

    Aside from the usual job search tips, they also cover side hustles, travel, and relationships—everything a girl needs to have a balanced life.

    Linda’s resume writing tip:

    “Don’t use colored paper. Please. Colors don’t stand out as much as you might think, plus you’ve got a decent chance of picking a color that annoys the recruiter or HR manager who reads it.”

    39. Maggie Mistal of MaggieMistal.com

    Maggie is a career coach and executive coach. Before that she worked in several media companies, including Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, where she worked as Director of Learning and Development.

    Now she has a radio show and website where she helps people get hired for careers they love. Her podcast, ‘Making a Living with Maggie’ covers a variety of job questions and strategies, whether you work in a cubicle or at home.

    Maggie’s resume writing tip:

    “Delete job titles and details that you had 10+ years ago. Many applicants keep adding jobs to their resume, not bothering to remove old positions.

    Recruiters and hiring managers have told me they’re only interested in the last 10 years of an applicant’s career. If you still want to list those positions, just include the job title. No need to go into details.”

    40. Marcelle Yeager of CareerValet.com

    Marcelle works with mid to senior-level professionals to create a branding strategy that takes them to the next level of their career. She also worked in public affairs and strategic communication, including a stint as a civilian at the Department of Defense and US Embassy in Uzbekistan.

    Just got a job? Read her article about questions you should ask the HR department after getting a job offer.

    Marcelle’s resume writing tip:

    “Write a career summary at the top of your resume. Write two to four bullets summarizing the milestone achievements of your career, as it relates to your target job. The summary will quickly show them whether you’re a good fit for the job.”

    41. Margaret Buj Interview-Coach.co.uk

    Margaret is a successful recruiter with over 10+ years’ experience helping candidates present their best self during job interviews.

    Before that, she received over 30+ rejection letters and had several unpleasant dealings with recruiters. This experience made her want to be a recruiter, knowing that she could do a better job of understanding candidates because of her personal experience.

    Right now her website is teeming with interview tips and career advice perfect for anyone who’s tired of getting rejected despite doing their best on the job search.

    Margaret’s resume writing tip:

    “Apply for fewer jobs, but tailor your resume to each job advert you respond to.

    Think about the keywords and phrases recruiters will look for when reading your resume. They will look for technical skills and personal qualities relevant to the role and industry.”

    42. Mark Babbitt of YouTern.com

    Mark Babbitt is the Founder of YouTern and President of Switch and Shift, a resource he created to help transitioning military veterans.

    Mark’s resume writing tip:

    “Don’t sacrifice white space. Recruiters and employers look at hundreds of resumes every day. To them, nothing is worse than a resume crammed full of 9-point Times Roman text with small margins and no space between paragraphs.

    Ignore the silly one-page rule. A two-page resume with ample margins and white space creates a better impression.”

    43. Mary Rosenbaum of YourCareerbyDesign.com

    Mary ran her own executive recruitment firm for 20 years before she switched into career coaching. She now helps people turn their unique skills and values into their personal brand.

    She knows that people could get trapped into jobs they don’t want, sometimes through no fault of their own. They just didn’t know how to change careers—or if it’s even possible. If you’re one of these people, her article on designing your own career will open your mind to new possibilities.

    Mary’s resume writing tip:

    “Write an action driven resume. Replace passive words like “manage,” “lead,” or “oversee” with active words such as “initiate,” “implement,” or “drive.”

    44. Michelle Riklan of RiklanResources.com

    Michelle Riklan is a career coach who works with executives and entry-level professionals to create resumes that get them hired. She draws on 20 years of experience working in different Fortune 500 companies as an HR executive.

    You’ll find lots of resume and negotiation tips on her blog. She also has several articles on dealing with tacky situations and navigating office politics.

    Michelle’s resume writing tip:

    “Put all your impressive achievements and skills ‘above the fold’, where the recruiter can see it as soon as they lay eyes on your resume. In print, above the fold refers to the space at the top of the document or what readers could see before they have to unfold a letter or scroll down (if online).

    This means you shouldn’t waste space with a big header of your name and contact details. Everyone knows your name and contact info will be at the top, so there’s no need to waste space with a big font and lots of spacing. Use this space instead to emphasize your specialty or job title.”

    45. Natalie Severt of UptoWork.com

    Natalie Severt is a Career Expert for UptoWork, where she writes detailed guides on resumes, cover letters and LinkedIn.

    Natalie’s resume writing tip:

    “Read the whole job advertisement carefully. Surprisingly, applicants respond to job ads they hardly read according to a study from The Ladders. If you only read the job title and first part of the job description, you can’t tailor your resume to the job.”

    46. Neely Raffellini of 9to5project.com

    Neely worked in PR, sales and different startups before creating the 9 to 5 project. Now she helps women get the job they want using her combined skills in public relations and creative resume writing.

    Do you take a break during the holidays, or do you take advantage of it? Either way, Neely’s article on job hunting during the holidays will give you another reason to attend all the parties you’re invited to.

    Neely’s resume writing tip:

    “Remember that the purpose of a resume is to get you in the door for an interview. You don’t have to write down every single thing you’ve ever done.”

    47. Sarah Dowzell of NaturalHR.com

    Sarah is the COO and Co-founder of NaturalHR, the company she started after selling her successful cleaning business.

    Determined to make a career in HR despite zero formal training or experience, she worked as an HR intern for a local charity and climbed up the career ladder from there.

    Aspiring leaders and managers will find their articles on management helpful.

    Sarah’s resume writing tip:

    “Make sure you’re applying for the right job. Read the job advertisement and your resume a couple of times before sending it to avoid any faux pas. I once received a resume from someone applying as an Accounts Assistant, when in fact we’re looking for someone in Customer Service.

    Include volunteer roles in your resume, too. Transferable skills learned through volunteer or community roles boost your qualifications, especially if you’re applying for a job in a different role or industry.”

    48. Tim Tyrell-Smith of TimsStrategy.com

    Tim is a technology marketing executive and career blogger. He created Tim’s Strategy as a way to share his knowledge of branding and marketing, and how it relates to job search.

    Tim’s resume writing tip:

    “Write a resume that supports your own narrative.

    Writing the resume is half the battle. If someone asks a question about an accomplishment or skill listed on it, you should be able to share a good story to support it.”

    49. Vicki Salemi of VickiSalemi.com

    Vicki is a Monster.com Career Expert and author of “Big Career in the Big City.”

    Her column on Monster.com answers all sorts of questions from job applicants. She covers everything from the common How to Prepare for a Job Interview to the more specific Can I Apply for Two Positions at the Same Company.”

    Vicki’s resume writing tip:

    “Be honest. I’ve seen many candidates try to make it look like they completed their degree, when in fact, they hadn’t. Instead of listing a degree you haven’t earned, list the number of credits you already earned or write ‘in process’ instead of the completion date.

    Don’t stretch the truth. You’ll get caught.”

    50. Wendi Weiner of WritingGuru.net

    Wendi is an attorney, executive resume writer and career coach. Senior executives and managers will find dozens of job search and resume writing tips tailored to them in Wendi’s site, Writing Guru.

    Her article on LinkedIn’s new algorithm gives job applicants a glimpse into the changing but still applicant-friendly platform. Users can now keep their job search private to their employer, while alerting recruiters of their needs.

    Wendi’s resume writing tip:

    “More than 60% of jobs are acquired through networking, so you need a strong LinkedIn profile on top of a strong resume.”

    Who Else Should be On This List?

    Did I miss someone? Despite the hours I spent researching this post, I know it’s impossible to include every career expert and blogger on this list.

    That’s why I welcome your suggestions. Who do you listen to when you need advice about dealing with your boss, getting a job, or a promotion? Who do you know has great people skills to answer your tricky career questions?

    Let me know in the comments section below.

    Photo credit: aqeelarif via photopin (license)

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